Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sign At The Cabin

We had Devin draw a picture of an elk on some metal for us so that we could hang it up on our logs at Flaming Gorge. I was amazed at how awesome his drawing turned out. Then Cal cut it out. We went to the cabin this weekend and hung it up. Here is how it looks.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just Too Cute

Here are some pictures that I took on the 24th Of July weekend that I thought were so cute.

Water Fun 24th Of July

We had fun watching the cousins try and fly their kite and watch the kids play in the water.

Four Wheeling on the 24th Of July

Here we are trying to find swinging bridge. We stopped to eat some snacks.

24th Of July

So i am way behind in my blog. I will try and do better. We went to the cabin for the 24th. We had so much fun. We went boating, four wheeling, and fishing. We tried to find swinging bridge again on the four wheelers and we still took the wrong trail. One of these days we will find it. We had fun spending quality time with the family. I will post some pictures as soon as I remember how. Ha ha

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Less Than A Year

Brittany has less than a year left on her mission, she gets home Aug 3, 2010!!! She has been transferred to Buenos Aires. Now she is in the city, quite opposite from her last area. She was eating something very chewy and rubbery when she finished and put her spoon down the lady filled it up again. She found out it was cow stomach and intestines. Yuck!! They say that the cow tongue is even better. ha ha