Monday, February 15, 2010

Ice Fishing

When we went ice fishing it was real windy. The ice had been broken and pushed by the wind and then frozen again. It was 12 inches deep, and was making cracking sounds all over the place from the movement of the water.

Flaming Gorge Dam

On Sunday we went for a family ride to Flaming Gorge Dam. We drove down to the bottom of the dam where the Green River is. These beautiful ice cycles were all over the place. It looked like someone took a knife and cut along the bottom of them to make them straight across. The water was crystal clear we could see a lot of fish in the river.

Flaming Gorge Weekend

We went to Flaming Gorge for the weekend. We went ice fishing in the cold, wind and snow. We caught six fish in all and lost a lot of them. It was fun watching the guys run and fall on the ice trying to get their poles. It looked like they were human bowling balls sliding and then crashing into the poles, chairs, and whatever else was in the way.

Shauntae's Engaged

On Valentine's Day Shauntae's boyfriend Spencer Richards proposed to her. We are so excited for them. The wedding will be in the Salt Lake Temple on May 22, 2010. Here is a picture of her ring.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Rose For Valentine's Day

Devin is so thoughtful! He always gives me something every holiday. He bought me this beautiful rose for Valentine's Day! Thanks Devin I Love YOU!!!! And I love my rose.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ten Reasons Why I Love My Sweetheart

Ten Reasons Why I Love My Sweetheart!

1. He is my eternal companion. I cant imagine spending time without him.
2. Wonderful father. Always supports our children in all that they do.
3. Good provider. He always works so hard for our family.
4. He always cares about our family and spends quality time with us.
5. Honors his priesthood.
6. Takes care of me when I am sick.
7. Always doing service to help others.
8. Takes me on nice vacations alone and with our family.
9. Takes me on dates.
10. Buys me nice things.

Valentine's Day

Cal bought me these beautiful flowers for Valentine's Day. I bought him some chocolates and I think that I ate most of them. He is so kind and thoughtful and he always makes sure I have a good Valentine's Day! Thanks Cal, I Love You!

Making Hats

We have a lot of yarn that my mom gave us so we decided to use it up. Devin got us started on a project making hats. We decided to make them throughout the year and then at Christmas time we will give them to the Homeless Shelter and the small ones we will give to the hospital for the cancer patients. Here is what we accomplished over the weekend.

No More Braces!

After two years of torture Cal finally got his braces off. Now he can smile again and not worry about food being stuck in his braces.