Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Duck Hunting

The next morning after the antelope hunt was the youth duck hunt. Devin and his friend Landon went hunting. Right off they shot some ducks. Then they both shot a goose. Cal and Dustin went and got the geese. Cal got Devin's and it was still alive so he wrung the neck a few times to make sure it was dead. They sat the geese by the boys other ducks and when they shot again Devin's duck flew away. Dev was a little disapointed since it was his first goose. Cal told him that was a great way to hunt catch and release. They each ended up with 4 ducks and a goose. Good job guys!!

Devin's Antelope!!

We took Devin to Flaming Gorge the last day of the youth bow hunt for antelope. Devin is 15 years old now. He finally nailed one!! He was so excited he was jumping up and down. I didn't know he could jump that high. Ha ha The arrow went through the neck and that antelope was not going to drop. We chased it for 2 hours. We thought that we lost it but Dustin found the blood trail. It finally laid down and Devin put another arrow in it. By now it was getting dark, so the guys had to use a flash light to clean it out. The competition is on now to see who's is the biggest Dustin's or Devin's. We will have to wait and see.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"The Walk"

For Relief Society we read The Walk, by Richard Paul Evans. It was a real good book. It makes you teary eyed. I will tell you a little bit what is written on the inside cover, which will be better than my own words. What would you do if you lost everything, your job, your home, and the love of your life all at the same time? When it happens to Seattle ad executive Alan Christoffersen, he's tempted by his darkest thoughts. A bottle of pills in his hand and nothing left to live for, he plans to end his misery. Instead, he decides to take a walk. But not any ordinary walk. He heads for Key West, Florida. The people he meets along the way will save his life and inspire yours.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall Craft

This our craft that we made while we were at the cabin. Brittany, Rochelle, and myself made one. This one is Brittany's. It was a lot of fun hanging out with the girls.


Toby loves to ride on the golf cart. When Devin was riding around Toby went and jumped in.

Manila Parade

The only reason I like to go to the parade any more is to get Smokey The Bear bags for my preschool children. All of my kids are all grown up and so they don't like to go for the candy any more it is kind of sad. So we wait and we have it all planed out how many bags each of us are going to get and the end of the parade is coming our way and there is no Smokey. I couldn't believe it my girls just laugh at me and that doesn't help much. Oh well it was fun while it lasted.

Devin Antelope Hunting

All weekend Devin has been chasing antelope. He has his eye on one that is really big. He has Cal take out the little fishing boat by linwood bay area. They turn off the motor and coast in to this big antelope hiding in the bushes. Devin aims and misses. The boat just wont hold still in the water the waves keep making it move. He is going to try again next weekend. Good Luck Dev!!

Four Wheeling

Before all of the kids came up Cal and I went with Wendy and Robin Pilcher four wheeling. We drove the razors to the lake by airport road and up the hill to the look out. On the way back we found a new trail that was rocky. We passed a really cool formation that was carved out of the rocks. People hike up there and carve their name in the rocks, they also have a fire pit in their.

Bison Head

Dave and Vicky went to the rondevous in Fort Bridger and bought Cal a bison head for his birthday. He was so excited he has been wanting one for a long time. Thanks you guys.

A Grasshopper?

After dinner everyone talked Logan into eating a grasshopper. She is ten years old. Her sisters were pretty upset. Georgie was crying because she didn't want her to do it and CharLee was crying because she didn't want her to eat a live thing. No one thought that she would really do it but when she had forty dollars placed before her why not. It was pretty funny!!

More Party Pictures

Nifty Nifty Look Who's Fifty!!!

While at the cabin Cal turned Fifty. This was a hard birthday for Cal, I know it will be even harder for me. We had all of the family over for dinner it was so much fun being able to visit with everyone. We ate chicken cooked in bar-b-q sauce, watermelon, Grandma's cheesy potatoes, green salad, frog eyed salad, chips and dips, fried avacado,tomatoe and pickles, and birthday cake. Thanks for all of the wonderful food you brought.

Labor Day Weekend

We went to the cabin for labor day weekend. It was so much fun! All of our children were able to get work off and come up for the holiday. I will post pictures of our events. The cement turned out great!!!