Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Weekend

We went to Flaming Gorge for Easter weekend. Dustin, Rochelle, Addie, Brett, Brittany, Devin, Cal, and myself were able to go. It was windy and cold, but no snow on the ground. The guys went out fishing, and caught 11 and us girls stayed inside and worked on a craft, but we didn't finish we took turns taking care of Addie. Addie has been sick for a week now. She has been to the insta care and to the doctors and they both have said that she has a viral cold that is going around. She wont drink anything and her eyes are only half open. She has no strength in her muscles and she cant stand or hold her head up. I feel really bad for her because you can tell something is wrong, she is like a little rag doll. Saturday night Dustin and Rochelle left and took Addie to Primary Hospital to see what was going on with her. Sunday morning we packed up to go meet them at the hospital. Cal started warming up the truck and locked the keys in it. So we had to break into the truck so we could leave. Then going through Wyoming we got pulled over for speeding. Not a good way to start out Easter. Then when we got to the hospital Dustin told us that Addie has to stay there for six weeks because they think she has botulism.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Soggy Bottom Boys

On April 15 our stake had a battle of the bands. Cal's band from our ward is called Soggy Bottom Boys. They played against five other bands. It was a lot of fun to watch and see how much talent that our stake has. There was a lot of people that came to support the activity.

Moab Trip

On March 31-April 3 we took a family vacation to Moab. We took the motorhome and four wheelers down there. A lot of the Davis'family also went down which is a lot of fun spendind time with them. Cal still cant go four wheeling because of his neck surgery, so we watched Addie and went shopping. One of the days we all went hiking to delicate arch which was a lot of fun. We had really good weather and was able to enjoy the sun.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Temple Wedding Pictures

Brett and Brittany's Wedding

On Saturday March 26, 2011 Brett and Brittany got married in the Salt Lake Temple. They got married at 9:40 am. It was a cold, rainy day. When they came out for pictures the sun was out the whole time, it was still cold but it was a wonderful day. They were so happy. While in the temple two different sisters told Brittany they predict that in 30 years her and Brett will be serving in Argentina as mission President. We will have to wait and see. I will post pictures from the different events of the day.