Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Aug 30 Kortnie's Farewell

Kortnie had her farewell today in Ogden.  I had to wake up early to be there by 9:00am  I rode out with mom and dad.  Kortnie did a great job on her talk.  She is ready to go.  The people in Washington are lucky to have her in there area.  After the meeting we went to a park and had a luncheon.  It was a nice day.

Aug 29 Ward Party at the park

We had the annual ward party in the park again.  Wee ate hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, fruits and desserts.  We took the train over for the younger kids to ride in, they had the slip and slide, and the candy cannon.  Everyone was having a great time.  Brittany and her family came, and Dustin and his family came.  Kolten was walking up the water slide from the bottom up and some kids were coming down and smashed into him.  When he didn't want to run and get candy Dustin and Rochelle knew he must be hurt bad.  They took him to the insta care and he broke his collar bone.  Poor little guy.  He came home all wrapped up and his arm in a sling.

Aug 29 Kortnie Palmer's Endownments

Kortnie took out her endowments today in the Bountiful Temple.  It was such a nice session, and as always nice to be in the Temple with family.  We had mom, dad, Jennie, Kieth, Jill, Cal, Devin, Myself, Dustin, Rochelle and Kortnie.  Kortnie will be leaving soon for her mission to Vancouver Washington.  We couldn't go to lunch with them because we had to get back for our ward party.

Aug 28 Carlton Neilson's Wedding

Cal performed Carlton Neilson's wedding today.  He did a wonderful job.  They had the wedding in Slatterville, Ut.  It was out in front of a barn, which was used for the background.   We sat on benches in front of it.  It was a nice hot day with a lot of sunshine.  They seem like they are really happy.  I feel blessed that I was able to attend their wedding with Cal.

Aug 24 Botox Check

Dr. Rose explained the migraine surgery today and gave me the price.  Wow it is a lot of money $15,000.00.  You have to pay for the surgery two weeks before the surgery and insurance does not cover it.  I have to do one more round of botox in all of the trigger points just to make sure it is going to work.  It looks like Jan or Feb of 2016 is when I will be able to have the surgery or I can keep having botox injections.  I have a few months to decide what to do.

Aug 22, 2015 Paityn's 3rd birthday

Paityn turned 3 today.  I can't believe how fast the grand kids are growing up.  Brittany had a Cinderella party for her, and Paityn wore a Cinderella dress.  Brittany made a really cute cake with a Cinderella barbie and cupcakes with glass slippers on top.  Amber Pilcher came as a surprise

guest.  She was dressed like Cinderella.  The girls were so excited.  She painted their nails, did their make up, and taught them how to curtsie.  We gave her a battery operated Cinderella car.  She got so many nice gifts it looked like Christmas.

Aug 20 Flaming Gorge

We took Devin to the cabin and showed him all of the improvements since he has been gone.  This was the first time he saw the boat and he was excited to go fishing.  Cal, Dustin, and Devin caught their limits in the morning.  They tried burbot fishing at night and only got one.  It was nice to get away for a couple of days and just relax.