Monday, June 22, 2009

Britts mission pictures

Here are a couple of pictures from Brittany's mission. I thought it would be fun to post them for all to see.

This is her bathroom after she cleaned it. Kind of looks like home. Ha ha

A picture of her bed

This is Brittany's shower in herpench(apartment). Also these are the buckets that she washes her clothes in.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Swine Flu

The swine flu is the last thing that I expected to get. I had a bad headache on Saturday and when I woke up Sunday I had a hard time breathing. My chest felt like a truck had run over it. I had a bad sore throat, I really thought that I had strep with a bad cough. I waited until Monday morning to go to the doctor. Because I didn't get in within the first 24 hours of this flu I was not able to be on the anti biotic. It just has to run its coarse. I wouldn't wish this flu on any one it is no fun. I really take my health for granted. It makes me appreciate it when I am healthly. I want to thank my family for taking such good care of me so that I can recover faster.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Mission Stories

Brittany has been in Argentina for a little over a month now. She does not like the dogs over there. She has found a way so they wont bite her. She gets her umbrella and opens it when they get close if that doesn't work she hits them on the head with the umbrella. I can see her doing that. She went fishing. Her pole consisted of a stick with a rope on it, a sinker, hook and worm. You just throw the rope into the water. She didn't have any luck catching one, when she was done a little boy was fishing in the sewer. She took a picture of him and will send it home. She has her first baptism this Saturday. She is doing good and loving it. Thank you everyone for all of your support.