On April 21, Addie went into the hospital.
When Addie woke up Easter morning, April 22, she was in Primary Hospital with iv's in her and a feeding tube. The hospital gave her a cute Easter basket that was sitting in her room. The doctor that morning said that she needed to see a neurologist. When she got there she said that Addie has botulism. We didn't know anything about botulism so they explained it to us. She got it from breathing in bad air from the dirt. It starts at the top of the head paralizing the eyes, throat, voice, and works it's way down paralizing everything. She had no use of her muscles. She could not hold her head up, stand, or roll over. Nothing would work. It was so sad to look at her not feeling good. They ran all of the test on her and when the last one came back positive they were able to start her medicine. The medicine is so rare that it is not even in Utah. They had to get it from California. For one shot needle of the medicine was $70,000.00 dollars. Ouch!! She only needed one luckily. After about two days after the shot you could tell that it was starting to work. She was getting a little more life back into her. She would reach for toys,try to smile, and open her eyes a little bit more. She has been in the hospital for two weeks now and is doing so much better. They are just waiting for her to get her gag reflex back so she can learn how to eat again. She even learned how to say ma ma the day before mothers day what a great present for Rochelle. Dustin and Rochelle are pretty exhausted living at the hospital, and sleeping over at the hospital. It is real hard emotional on everyone but we are so glad that what she has can be cured. It will just take a long time.