We went up to the cabin again hunting. This time they got some ducks and Devin and Cal both shot at the geese. One fell so they are not sure who got it. This is a funny story how we got the goose home. They couldn't find it in the weeds and then it jumped up right between Devin and Cal. Cal tried wringing the neck but that didn't work. ( He likes this goose so he is going to mount it) They brought it back to the truck and it jumped up on Devin he was holding it with his foot. Devin starts chasing it, I look and the goose is running side to side, Devin runs side to side and then Cal joins in running side to side. It was so funny they all had their arms spread out like the goose and was running like him. So they put some rebar in it's back and put it in the back of the truck. Cal puts waders, a case of water, and whatever he could find on top of this goose to make sure it was dead. We drove back to the cabin and we couldn't see Dustin. Cal calls him and he said when we were driving the goose popped his head out and was looking around and then jumped out of the truck. So Dustin stopped and had to chase it down. He put it in the dog kennel to bring it to the cabin. So they kill it and put it in a bag and put it in the freezer so we can bring it back to mount. A while later we hear crash, boom, the goose is trying to get out of the freezer. I told Cal I am going to have nightmares over this stupid goose. I was so glad when it finally died and we gave it to the taxidermist!