Sunday, October 9, 2011

Melanoma Scare

I have had a brown mole with black stuff in the middle for a long time. I haven't thought of getting it checked until about a month ago, something told me that I should get it looked at. Well Brittany was going to the dermatologist so I made my appt. the same time so we could ride together. The Dr. didn't like the way mine looked so he cut out a quarter size hole, and sent me home. A month later he called me back in and said that it didn't look good, they have to cut more. When I went in he said that my mole was turning into melanoma and they need to treat it like cancer. After surgery I have 23 stitches. I feel like I have dodged a bullet that I don't have melanoma. I am so grateful for all of my many blessings and all that my Heavenly Father does for me. I am so grateful to have the Holy Ghost to speak to me, sometimes he has to speak loud to me so that I will listen. The Dr. is not sure if he got it all we will see on my next appt. When he was done I said teasingly that I will wear my bra backwards because now it will fit better.

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