Friday, September 7, 2012

Paityn At Primary Hospital

Brittany, Shauntae and myself went to the mall to walk. We thought we would have lunch first and then walk with Shauntae so she can get her baby here. When we were ordering food Paityn had a seizure. She started shaking her arms, legs, and her breathing was really crazy. We called her Doctor and he said to take her to Primary Hospital. He had already talked to a specialist up there. While I drove her to the hospital Paityn had another one. It was pretty scary. They ran a lot of test on her. A CT scan, ekg, spinal tap, blood work, urine test, and I don't know what else. Everything came back positive. They said she had Benign sleep myoclonus. It is common in babies. It is where the nervous system is still developing. She will out grow it in 3-6 months. She went in the hospital on Friday and came home Sunday. Brittany and Brett were really exhausted with no sleep. We are so grateful for prayers and for priesthood blessings, and that Paityn will be alright.

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