Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Aug 13, 2015 Devin's Coming Home!!

I have been anticipating this day for a long time. I haven't even been able to count down the days that Devin gets home because it makes me crazy.  The girls and grand kids came over earlier this week and we made posters to hold at the airport.  The yard is all decorated,  Now it's time to go to the airport.  When we got there, a lot of other missionary families were also waiting for missionaries from the Philippines.  I was having anxiety attacks I was so excited.  When Devin came down the escalators I started crying and I ran to him and gave him a big hug.  It is the best hug a mom can have!!  He looked really good, a bit skinny, (his suit just hung on him), but we are so glad he's back!!  We took him to the Stake Pres. to get released, ate dinner at Red Robin, and came back and listened to

Devin's stories about his mission.  We learned that two weeks ago Devin was hit by a motorcycle and he thought he broke his arm.  Luckily Devin and his arm are okay, it's just a little sore.  What a great day!!

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