Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Wednesday we were in Belize.  We went off the ship and found a boat that took us to a private island called Goff Caye.  On the way there we saw dolphins.  The island reminded me of Giligan's Island, it was very tiny and no one was on it.  We went snorkeling around the island.  It has the second largest barrier reef in the world.  It was so pretty and colorful.  We didn't see many fish, but we did see a lot of coral and plant life.  It was a nice sunny day. 


Tuesday we went to Roatan.  When we woke up it was a downpour.  It was raining buckets all day.  We had a tour guide take us around Roatan.  Next we went and played with the monkeys.  He took us to a place that had two monkeys on chains.  (Not like our last monkey adventure) We still had a lot of fun.  They would climb on your shoulders and head.  I had a hat on my rain coat and it would climb into that.  Devin's monkey found a pull string on his jacket and got the end off.  He put it in his mouth and I hurried and grabbed it out of his mouth,  I was worried he would choke on it.  ha ha  Cal's monkey loved to stand on his head because he was tall.  He would try and reach the trees to eat the leaves.  Then we went to the beach.  A place called Henry Morgan Resort.  Most everyone went snorkeling in the rain.  They went to a reef, the waves were so big it kept knocking them into the reef.  Cal, Shauntae, Spencer, and Dustin all came back bleeding from injuries.  Brittany, Brett and I sat in the rain watching everyone's bags, then we found some shelter to sit under and enjoyed a drink and some fries.  We also went to a little place on the side of the road to buy some homemade souvenirs. 

Dining Room

This is one of the formal nights

Hanging Out on the Ship

It was nice to just relax a little while we were traveling at sea.