Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day

Number one reason I love being a mom is to spend quality time with my family. We had a really nice barbque dinner. Everyone was here when Brittany called from Argentina, so we all got a turn to talk to her. Since it was mothers day I didn't even feel bad getting to the phone first. She is doing good. Still adjusting to the culture. She cant drink the water it has worms in it. When they go to someones door they clap instead of knocking. The food is real good. She eats pasta, meats, fruit and her favorite is ice cream, which she only eats on p day. The people have them over for lunch instead of dinners. I want to thank my children and husband for making my Mothers Day so nice and thank you for all of the many things that you do! I love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Were glad she is doing so well. Oh and who doesn't love ice cream!
