Friday, May 1, 2009

A Letter From Brittany's Mission President

We got a letter from Brittany's mission president. I am going to type it word for word so I can keep you updated. Dear Brother and Sister Davis, President Villalba and I are very happy to have received your son in the great Argentina Rosario Mission. We thank you for your wonderful support in the marvelous work of the Lord. Sister Davis arrived safe and sound. She was very happy to finally get here and we're thrilled to have him. Once again thank you for your love and help. Sincerely, Hermana Villalba.
We were so excited to recieve this cute letter and to know that Brittany got over there safely.

1 comment:

  1. That is funny! I love the part about them so excited to have your SON? We sent her some letters as a family. The girls were thrilled to see she wrote them back so fast.
