Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brittany's mission

Brittany is loving her mission. I thought I would share a couple of stories. She caught a bunch of coch roaches in her pench and decided to boil them. She said it was really funny watching them until it started to stink really bad then she had to get rid of them. She found a big taranchula in her pench while she was cleaning and put it in a box and put it outside she didn't know what to do with it. She said the people feed them a lot of chicken. When they serve it, it still has hair, feathers, and veins on it. Yuk!! Her and her companion was walking on the sidewalk and it was real windy. A lady came out and told them they should walk on the street because the power lines are not real safe. Right after they went to the street the power lines came down on the sidewalk. She said if they hadn't gone in the street they would have been electricuted. I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father watches out for our missionaries.

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