Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gardens In Shanghai and China Town

We went to China Town and visited a garden, went to a silk factory, and went shopping in China town. It was quite an experience. There were so many people it was shoulder to shoulder you could hardly walk. There were so many different smells there. They had food on sticks some were pigeon and some tofu. Then we went to a Chinese restaurant. We sat around a round table which they brought food out onto a spinning glass dish. We weren't sure what we were eating except the one that had the fish head on it. We ate with chop sticks. After that we went to the JinMao Observatory 88. It is one of the tallest buildings in china. We rode the elevator to the 88 floor in 9 seconds it was so fast. When we got to the top you could see a panoramic view of Shanghai.

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