Friday, December 10, 2010


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at the cabin. The snow storm didn't hit Flaming Gorge, but it was really cold like -4 in the morning. Cal, Dustin, Devin, Brittany, and her friend Brett went duck hunting and fishing Thanksgiving morning while Rochelle and I cooked dinner. They got a few ducks but no fish the fishing has been terrible this year. After we ate they all went out rabbit hunting and got 7 rabbits, not to bad. Rochelle and I played with little Addie and tried to stay warm. Later that night we watched movies and decorated gingerbread houses. Thank you Brandie for making them for us. The next day we went fishing from the shore and only got one fish. Then we decided to go and cut down our Christmas trees. The permits are only ten dollars, pretty good deal. We had a lot of fun hiking in the snow. It was so deep it came above my knees. It was fun laughing at each other falling down in it because it was so hard to walk. We got a real tall tree, Cal said it weighed about 150 pounds. It was hard getting it out because of the deep snow but it smelled so good and was so pretty it was worth it. I love Thanksgiving being with my family and spending quality time with them. Next year we will have Shauntae and Spencer with us so that will be fun.

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