Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cozumel, Mexico

When we got to Cozumel we got off the ship and set up our own excursion. The guys wanted to go fishing really bad, so we sent Brett to talk to the Mexicans. We were able to get a boat for $350.00 for all of us. So we went fishing in the ocean. It was so fun!!! We caught 5 tuna and 5 barracuda. Then Cal hooked onto a blue marlin. It was about 8 feet long and 250 pounds. It was so fun watching him bring it in. As he brought it half way in, it jumped out of the water and the hook come out. That was so sad. While we were fishing, four of us kept throwing up. It was so funny. Brittany was on one side then Dustin joined her. The wind caught her throw up and covered the front of Dustin's shirt. We were all laughing. Then it was Brett's turn. The wind caught his and it went in his hair. It was so funny. Then it was my turn, I didn't get it on me just covered the side of the boat. We had so much fun and we will never forget this fishing trip.

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