Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had so much fun up at the cabin! We had a great Thanksgiving dinner. Shauntae made the pies, yum!! We kept really busy duck hunting, fishing, and making crafts. While the guys went hunting Cal took us girls fishing. We caught 8 fish and we lost a lot. It was like old times when all of the poles had fish on them at the same time. Poor Cal couldn't keep up putting worms on for us. It did warm up to 18 degrees, thank goodness for car heaters. We made a star craft to hang on our front doors for Christmas and we even finished them. The next day we went up in the mountains and we cut down Christmas trees. Everyone found real pretty ones. Our tree that we cut down this year was 12 feet. I love the smell of a real tree in the house. It was so fun being with the whole family, I wish the weekend didn't go so fast.

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