Sunday, January 1, 2012


Tue. Dec.20,2011 We arrived in Belize. We went cave tubing today. The water was refreshing, not warm. It was fun. We had to all hook arms and feet and go down as a group. (It was a lot more fun last time when we could go down by ourselves)It is so cool inside. We saw stalagmites, stalagtites, a mushroom shape covered in crystals, waterfalls from other caves and all kinds of formations. It was so dark inside the caves, that we wore head lamps to see. We were able to go through two caves. The price of gas on this island is $6.00 a gallon. Their weekly income is $5.00 a week. Later that night Cal won a watch with a necklace and a tennis bracelet from the jewelry store. He is so lucky!! Later that night we went outside and watched a movie. It was based on a true story called "Soul Surfer", about a girl that was surfing a got her arm bit off. Great show!!!

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