Sunday, January 1, 2012

Roatan, Mahogany Bay

When we arrived in Roatan it was a nice sunny day. High 80's!!! We rented a van and went to see the monkeys at (Gumbalimba Park). We were able to go in the cages and play and feed the monkeys. One monkey jumped on Rochelle and loved her hair, it tried to pull her hair out. Another one that was on Brett went inside his shirt and came out the bottom. After the monkeys we went inside the bird cages where we saw great big parrots. Cal was telling me that there was one behind me. I backed up thinking it was going to get on my shoulder when the parrot bit me! OUCH! We had a great time there. Then we went snorkeling at West Bay Beach. We paid for a boat to take us out to a great spot. The coral was beautiful. There was a lot of plant life and lots of fish. Cal found a big lobster, Dustin found a sand dollar, and Devin found a jelly fish coming right towards me. We got out of there fast! After snorkeling, we enjoyed laying out on the beach. I love the feel of the sand beneath my feet, I will miss that when we get home. Then we got to shop a little and then headed back to the ship. We had a great Day!

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