Sunday, December 30, 2012

After a long day

This is me after a long day of baby sitting. Paityn comes at 6:30am, followed by Addie at 7:00am, followed by Paisley around 8-8:30am, Paisley is the last one to be picked up at 7:30 pm. I am on the floor most of the day playing, changing diapers, feeding them bottles, getting them to sleep and then I start all over. Most tending days I don't get my hair or make up done. When I hold one baby the other one looks at me like Grandma when is it my turn. So as you can see in the picture I usually end up holding both babies. They don't care what I look like all that they know is that they are loved by me. I am grateful that I have the chance to help my children out by tending for them. I love these little children so much!!!

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