Saturday, December 29, 2012

Paisley's Blessing

Paisley's blessing given by her father Spencer Richards. Father in Heaven, by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, we hold this infant in our arms to give her a name and a blessing. The name we have chosen is Paisley Gina Richards. We ask our Father in Heaven to give you a blessing as well as bless you that as you grow, you will have the spirit with you and be guided in your life. We bless you to treasure the gospel in your life as your mother treasures it in her life. We bless you to have a testimony of the truth of all things, that you will love Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father. We bless you with an enlightened mind; that you will be smart and make good choices and be a light to others you come in contact with. We bless you with confidence as you go through this life, that you will cling to truth and desire to share it with others. We bless you with a love of life; that you will be happy; that this will bless yourself, your mother and father and your other siblings to come. We bless you with strength to continue on in this life and we say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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