Sunday, July 14, 2013

Crazy Week

I am so glad this week is over.  I have been having problems with memory loss.  My doctor sent me to a neurologist and she is doing some test on me.  This was the week for the test.  Monday I went in for a spinal tap.  The first two days I felt fine and the next four days I was down with the worst migraines that I have ever had.  If they didn't get better they were going to put me in the hospital and give me caffeine IVs .  Luckily by the fifth day they got better.  The doctor had me lay as flat as I could and drink water and caffeine drinks.  Then on Wed. I went to LDS Hospital and had an EEG.  I could only have four hours of sleep before midnight.  After midnight I had to stay awake until my test which was at 9:00am That was so hard.  I am just waiting now to hear the results.  Like I said I am glad this week is over.  

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