Monday, March 3, 2014

Released from Stake Primary

Feb. 18 the stake President called all of us in to his office.  He released us from our Primary callings.  What a sad day all of us were crying.  He then asked each of us to say something and bear our testimony.  All of us said  about the same thing.  I love working with these wonderful women, I know that they are women of God.  When I am around them they make me feel like a better person.  They magnify their calling and I learn so much from them.  Kathy Anderson, Debbie Williams, Louis Bishop were the ladies that I served with.  I love these sisters and I believe that will we continue to be good friends forever.  I am so glad that I had this opportunity to work in the stake and to be over the baptisms.  I made a lot of new friends and I was able to feel of the spirit every time that I went and visited Primaries and Baptisms.  I really felt the love of the children and the love that the Primary leaders had for their Primary children.  I will really miss going to the Primary programs those are my favorite!!

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