Thursday, December 31, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

All of my kids look forward to Christmas Eve more than they do Christmas.  We went bowling at Sandy lanes and bowled to games.  Then we went to Red Robin and ate lunch, following a show called The Good Dinosaur.  At night we had finger food snacks and played Apples to Apples.   When someone won they would open a present, and then the two losers would have to spin a wheel and it would land on a jelly bean that you would have to eat.  They were awful flavors!!!  Cal got skunk, rotten egg, and I got barf!!  Those were are worst ones.  The grass, tooth paste, burgers, were tasting better all the time after eating the yucky ones.  We had a lot of fun.  Brittany video taped us eating them it was so funny.  The little kids opened their pajamas so they could wear them to bed.  I love spending the day with my family!!!  Thanks everyone for being together.

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