Thursday, April 30, 2009


Crazy Tag

8 Places To Eat Out

1. Five Alls
2. Cafe Rio
3. Olive Garden
4. Quiznos
5. Texas Roadhouse
6. Astro Burger
7. Zupas
8. Panda Express

8 Top TV Shows

1. Good Things Utah
2. Oprah
3. General Hospital
4. American Idol
5. News
6. CSI
7. Clean House
8. Hallmark

8 Quirks

1. I have to be organized
2. I go around and pick up things before my family is done using them. I make them crazy!
3. I can pick up snakes but not spiders.
4. I love doing water sports but I am not a good swimmer.
5. I don't like to eat sea food.
6. I have good intentions to exercise, but it doesn't happen.
7. I have to go outside to get warm, I freeze inside.
8. I don't like my arms. They wave back at me when I do my hair.

8 Things To Look Forward Too

1. Brittany coming home from her mission.
2. Asia Trip
3. Summer
4. Eastern cruise with the family.
5. 4 wheeling
6. Going to the cabin.
7. Fishing
8. No more school carpools.

Tag 8 People
1. Rochelle
2. Rochelle
3. Rochelle
4. Rochelle
5. Rochelle
6. Rochelle
7. Rochelle
8. Rochelle

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