Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Antelope Hunt

We went up to Flaming gorge for the antelope hunt. It started on Sat. so we went looking Friday evening to see where the best place to hunt was. We seen a lot down by swim beach area so that is where we went. At seven in the morning Devin shot at a big buck. He missed but he was he was able to find his arrow. At 7:09 am Dustin took a shot at a big one also. He hit it!!! He broke his leg and the arrow was stuck in his back end. The antelope circled around a few times and then took off. We chased that crazy thing for 5 hours. It would not drop. We decided to take a break from chasing it. Devin tried at a few more nice bucks but somehow the arrow kept missing them Ha ha After lunch Dustin, Rochelle, and Devin went back out. (Me, Cal, and Brittany, had to come home and get ready for church lessons)They shot at a heard of 6 antelope but no luck. They found Dustin's antelope and it was still hobblin around. They still could not get close enough. Dustin was so sick of chasing it all over the place so they called it a night. Maybe next weekend they will have better luck. If you see a three legged antelope let Dustin know.

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