Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day Of High School

Eleven years ago I remember taking Devin to his first day of Kindergarten and how painful it was to drop him off and watch him disappear through the doors. I cried all the way home. Today Devin started his first day of High School. Where has time gone? It seems like yesterday that he was little. Instead of walking him to school a neighbor girl picked Devin and his friend, Lance up and took them to school. It was a lot less painful. The price just keeps going up to register these guys for school. Our total was $237.75. Drivers ed was $95.00 and year books were $42.75. Devin always sets his goals high. He wants to get his associate degree in High School then go on a mission. He wants to be a Dermatologist when he grows up. I want Devin to know that I so proud of him!!

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