Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Scary Night

Last night Shauntae and Spencer went to the Jordan River Temple to do sealings. At 9:30pm I got a phone call from the Temple. It was Shauntae. She said that Spencer went unconscious, started to seize, and then he turned blue. She had to do mouth to mouth on him. When he came to he started punching and kicking. Me, Brittany and Devin went over to the Temple. They were inside and I only had my capris on so I asked a couple if they would ask someone for me about them. A guy came out and told me to come in. I felt really out of place not being dressed up. He took me to them and I helped Shauntae get him in the car. We had the Bishop come over and give him a blessing because Cal is at the cabin doing cement. They sent him home not knowing exactly what happened they said part of it could be the heat and him being dehydrated. I am so glad Shauntae was there and knew what to do. I know that the spirit was helping her to keep her calm and to know what to do. I am so glad he is okay.

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