Monday, March 9, 2015

New Boat In The Water

We we went to the cabin this weekend to try out the new boat.  Dustin and Cal went fishing and caught a few kokanees  and then at night they caught 21 burbut.  The next day all of us went in the boat and tried it out.  It rides really smooth.  I really like it except it is a lot colder than I am used to.  Our other boat had a place we could go inside and get warm.  Good thing we brought blankets to warm up in.  Addie brought in 2 fish and then we didn't have any bites after that.  While we were at the cabin we made apple smiles.  We used peanut butter to make marshmallows stick on the apple.  Addie had a lot of fun making them.  We can hardly wait to go on the boat again!

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