Monday, August 3, 2015

Feeding the missionaries

We were having the missionaries over at 5:00 for dinner but we changed it to 4:00pm  because Cal and I had Seminary Graduation to go to at 5:00.  We had a great time with the missionaries.  I love the spirit that they bring to our house.  I cooked a 6pound turkey breast, pot. and gravy, rolls, carrots, and corn.  They can eat.  ha ha  The turkey was almost gone and so was the rest of the food.  I'm glad they liked the dinner.  I kew they were going o the walk about so I didn't make dessert.  I gave the one Elder an ice cream cone which he spilled all over the kitchen cupboards and floor.  The other Elder wanted a rootbeer oat which he spilled all over the carpet.  We just laughed.  They felt so bad.  It wouldn't have been so bad but we only had 10 min. to get to seminary Graduation. We were flying around trying to clean up icecream and rootbeer.  The dishes got let behind on the table and all over the kitchen until we got back.  The Elders were so cute and asked if they could come back and give s a message.  Whew!

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