Tuesday, August 4, 2015

June 24 Stake Trek/ Cal Kidney Stones

Cal left for Trex and all was well.  He called me that night before he went to bed to see how my day was and to tell me how trex was going.  It sounded really fun and everyone was having a good time.  I got a call from Cal the next morning at 6:00 am and he said to come and get him.  He had kidney stones. I met someone in Park City that drove him back half way.  Cal was not looking to good.  He was in so much pain and his coloring was pure white.  I drove him to IMC Hospital and all he wanted was morphine ha ha.  He was really dehydrated as well.  After being in the er for 4 hours, 3 iv bags, morphine, and a mri he felt a lot better.  The stone must have passed while he was in the hospital.  All he wanted to do was go back to Trex, but the Dr. told him he had to stay out of the sun.  This was his third time having kidney stones.  Poor guy, it is not easy watching someone you love go through so much pain you feel so helpless.  I'm just glad he's feeling better.

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