Monday, October 22, 2012

Crazy Week

Cal has been Bishop for a week now. We had the craziest week! I thought I could cry or laugh about it and I chose to laugh it is much easier. So Monday Cal went to work and all of his welding things had been stolen, I went down to get ready for preschool and my preschool room had been flooded. What a mess. The rain gutter had pulled away from the house and the rain filled up the window and went into the house. We went out into the motor home and in the bathroom the vent on top had broke off when we came home from Marysvale and the bathroom was also flooded. Then Cal cut open his head on a pipe at work. He went to insta care and he wouldn't let them shave his head because he had to conduct on Sunday. So they put staples in it, they don't even numb it up. Then we went to our cabin and we have mice everywhere!!! Yuk! So we tried cleaning and washing the best we could. On our way home we brought back the duck boat. It was really windy and it shredded the boat cover to pieces. I just had to laugh and said we could hang it in a tree and use it for a Halloween decoration. So all in all we had a pretty good week.

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