Thursday, October 18, 2012

Four Wheeling in Marysvale

Conference weekend in Oct. we went four wheeling in Marysvale. It was a little chilly. The trails were dirt roads so a little dusty, with trees lined on both sides colored in yellow, orange, and red. It was so pretty. About the first hour Dustin's four wheeler broke down, so Dave and Vicky road together and Dustin and Rochelle road on one of their razors, so they could finish the ride. On the way back a lady that was with us Kathy Ford went off a cliff. Luckily she had her helmet on because she landed head first. We had to get an ambulance for her and she went to Rich field hospital. She broke a rib and fractured 4 vertebrates in her back. She will be okay but she is in a lot of pain. The next day two of our four wheelers broke down before we got started so we were left with the razor working. Us girls stayed back so the guys could go on a ride. We found a guy their that worked on them for us and got tow of them running. Then Addie and I were watching TV and she head bonked me and gave me a black eye. Besides all of that we had a fun time being with the family and making more memories.

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