Friday, October 26, 2012

Last Day In Primary

Sunday was my last day in Primary. I don't do well with change. Let's say I had a melt down. It is really hard being pulled out of a presidency. I was conducting Sunday and I was doing pretty good until the end. Our Primary president Peggy Edmunds got up and told the children that it was my last day in primary. They were so shocked. Some of them came running to me hugging me. I got up to finish conduct and I told them that I wanted to leave them my testimony. I started to cry. I looked out and one girl had tears running down both of her cheeks, some other children were wiping there eyes. When I finished they all took turns giving me a hug and I told each one of them that I loved them. One little boy was worried that he couldn't help me in preschool any more. It was such a tender moment saying goodbye to the children. The moms told me they all went home sad that day. I came home from church and I cried myself to sleep. What a hard day.

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