Monday, June 24, 2013

Devin's Mission Call

Devin got his mission call on April 9,2013. We invited all of the family over and grandmas and grandpas, so they could watch Devin open his call. He was real excited when he opened it. As he was reading it, he read where he was going before he told us. lol He is going to the Philippines Legaspi Mission. He will speak the Tagalog language. He will go to the MTC on August 28, 2013. Since his call he has had a lot of people tell him all kind of stories like, he will have huge spiders and scorpions in the shower with him. Also they feed their dogs a lot of rice. This way when they cook the dog they can use the intestine and it is already stuffed with rice and ready to eat. I am excited to hear of all of his adventures that he will have. I am so proud of him for choosing to serve a mission, he is so ready, and he has such a strong testimony.

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