Sunday, January 25, 2015

Computer Class

I am taking a computer class with the people I work with.  We are almost done with the first class and next week the second class will start.  I actually know how to turn on and off the computer. ha ha  This class taught us how to make files and folders,and copy and paste.  I am struggling because we got a new computer number 8 and I am still trying to figure out where everything is.   These classes will help me out a lot at work.

No more pine trees

Cal, Dustin, and his workers cut down all of the pine trees in our backyard.  It looks so much different now.  You can actually see the neighbors houses.  We are thinking of building a pergola where the trees were, then we will have a little place to sit and watch the kids swim.  That will be our summer project.

Missionary opportunity

At work we have patients that always tell us about what is going on in their lives.  One day a lady was leaving the dental office and she just stood there for a minute.  I looked up and she started crying.  She told me that her niece had passed away from a heart attack .  I told her I was so sorry.  Then she told me that she had a blessing and now she is alive.  I told her that I believe in blessings and that we are so lucky to have the priesthood in our lives.  That through the priesthood and Heavenly Father miracles happen.  She told me that her niece shouldn't be alive. I told her that I have had many opportunities to receive priesthood blessings and they have blessed my live.  I said that I have such a strong testimony of prayer and of our Heavenly Father that her niece is alive because she had a blessing.  She then told me that she is Catholic.  Her family are members, but she is not.  I tried to make her feel better and understand and I told her that she is a good person.  I hope she left feeling of my testimony and was able to understand a little more of what we believe.

Starting of a new year

Last year went so fast I can't believe it.  It is already January.  I have my Christmas decorations on my ladder by my front door, January wreath on my front door, and it is almost February. ha ha I better just get up my Valentine decorations.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recap of our family

Here is a recap of our family:

     Dustin and Rochelle Davis.     Dustin is a plumber and welder at DC Plumbing and Mechanical.  Rochelle is working at United Way as a Resource Development Assistant.  They moved into a beautiful house this year.  Dustin is in Young Mens and Rochelle is on the RS Committee.

                    Addie  (4) Enjoys dancing as Synergy and preschool at Teacher Becky's

                    Kolten (18 Months) Loves throwing balls and eating Grandma's treats.  When Grandpa is
                                                      around no one else matters.

Brittany and Brett McMullin.     Brittany is working for Dr. Willden as a Dental Assistant.  Brett is a policeman for West Jordan.  They just had a new baby boy.  Brittany is a sunbeam teacher and Brett is a counselor in the Elders Quorum.

                    Paityn (2)  Loves preschool at Shauntae's.  She loves cats, and loves to play on 
                                      Grandma's laptop.

                     Easton (2 weeks)   Born Dec. 16,2014.  7lbs 9oz.  19 inches   Loves to be cuddled

     Shauntae and Spencer.     Shauntae is a RN at Primary Children's Hospital.  Spencer works at Comp Health.  Shauntae worked in the YW as Secretary and then 2nd counselor.  Spencer is the YM President.  They had a new baby girl this year.

                    Paisley (2)  Loves to sing.  Enjoys preschool with her mom as the teacher.  Loves to
                                       play on Grandma's laptop.  She loves to climb on the counter and get candy.

                    Kaydence (6) months  Loves to smile, is rolling over, and sitting up

     Devin.     Is serving an LDS mission in Legazipi Philippines.  He has survived 3 typhoons and Dengue fever.  He has 8 months left before he returns home.

Cal and I love being parents and grandparents to all of them.  We love spending quality time with our family, and making new memories.  We have been very blessed to have a missionary out serving.  We also love to serve others.  This is Cal's second year as Bishop.  I am the compassionate service leader.  We love to go to our cabin at Flaming Gorge.  We have been working hard on finishing rooms and bathrooms above the garage, pouring cement for the driveway, and now we are putting up a shed.  We have had a great year and we are looking forward to another great year.

Christmas Day

Christmas morning Cal and I woke up and we were both sick.  We called everyone and cancelled Christmas breakfast.  We drove around and not one insta care was open.  We thought Cal had pneumonia and I thought I had strep.  So we spent the whole day in bed feeling crumby.  The next day we spent 3 hours at insta care, it was so busy people were sitting on the floor.  We both ended up having a viral infection that was going around.  So the next 4 days we did nothing but rest and sleep. 

Brittany had her baby!! December 16, 2014

Brittany had her baby this morning.  His name is Easton Brett McMullin.  He weighed 7lbs 9oz, and was 19inches long.  He is so cute and cuddly.  I love it when babies are born, they just came from Heaven and they smell so good.

Christmas Eve Dec. 24

We had a great time Christmas eve.  The whole family was able to be together this year.  We started out bowling 2 games.  Then we went to Red Robin for lunch.  The movie we saw this year was Hero 6.  It was a cute show for the little kids I think they all liked it.  Then we met back at our house and ate finger food.  Devin skyped  us from the Philippines.  It was awesome!  It seems so unreal, that we can see him and talk to him when he is so far away.  Instead of playing bingo we played Apples to Apples.  When someone won we got a present, we could steal them twice and then the game was done.  We had so much fun.  The grandchildren opened their pajamas that we gave them.  The it was time for them to go home and get ready for Santa.

Christmas pictures

Taking pictures is always a challenge with the grandkids.  We had Brittany take them this time with her new camera.  They did a lot better for her than at a photography place.  We still need to get Easton's picture (when he grows a little more to fit in his clothes), and a group picture. 

Kolton Age 18 months

Addie Age 4

Kaydence Age 6 months

Paityn age 2

Paisley age 2

Friday, January 2, 2015

Davis Christmas party

Cal's mom and dad had their Christmas party at the Classic Skating Ring this year.  The kids love going there.  Cal's parents bought pizza, drinks, and brought chicken wings for dinner.  Then the kids went wild.  They went skating, playing in bounce houses, and playing the games trying to get enough tickets to win prizes.  They had so much fun they didn't want to leave.  The next day the kids wanted to go skating again.  What a fun tradition!!

News from Mission President

We received an e mail from the mission President that all of the missionaries our safe and accounted for.  They are sending them back to their apartments.  We are praying for all of the missionaries and the people in the Philippines that they will be able to put things back together and be with their families again.

Devin has Dengus Fever

The very next day after Devin's mission President sent us an e mail about the typhoon, we received a phone call from Devin at 5:30am.  He told us that he is really sick.  He said that he had dengue fever.  He got bit by a mosquito.  ( it is kind of like west nile virus and yellow fever)  He had high fevers, bad headaches, and ached in every joint of his body.  He said that nothing had ever hurt so bad like that before.  He had to go to the hospital everyday and have blood drawn out to check his platelet counts.  He was also staying at the mission home until he got better.  When we talked to him on Christmas eve he told us that he had to be hospitalized for a few days.  We had a family fast for him and lots of prayers.  He told us that he is feeling better now and able to get back to work.  I am so grateful that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.  I don't know what I would do without my testimony.  Thank you everyone in the family for all of your support and prayers  that you always give us.  We love you so much!!  Don't know what we would do without you!!!

3rd Typhoon for Devin

We received an e mail from Devin's mission President telling us a typhoon was going to hit his area.  The missionaries are being evacuated.  They are to take a 72 hour backpack with them and some small cash.  He will let us know more information.  We thought that was so nice of his President, because he has never e mailed us on the other ones.  We feel very blessed to know that our missionaries our protected and that they will be safe.

Thanksgiving at the cabin

We love to go to the cabin for Thanksgiving.  This year Dustin and Rochelle's family came and spent the weekend with us.  We had a fantastic dinner and homemade pies.  The weather was in the low 50's so we were able to sit on the beach and enjoy the sun while fishing.  The fishing was excellent!  We decided not to cut down a real tree this year.  Cal has torn the muscle in his arm and we didn't want Dustin to drag 2 tree down the mountain.  We had a blast we were sad to see the weekend come to an end.

My experience with botox and nerve blocks

The reason is started using botox for my migraines is because nothing else had worked.  I went to a pain and spine Dr, his name is Dr. Davis.  When he gave me my 2nd injections they only worked for one month.  They are quite painful, no numbing medicine they just go in with the needle and shoot the meds in.  I have to wait for 90 days for the next injections so I had to have nerve blocks.  These were twice as painful they use a lot bigger needles.  My forehead swells up and Cal teases me that I look like Frankenstein. HA HA   I get injections by my temples, above my eyebrows, between my eyebrows, down the back of my skull, across the back of my shoulders, and the back of my neck.  The first nerve block lasted 3 weeks and the 2nd one only lasted 2 days.  My next botox injection didn't work.  I was so sad.  Now I am back to the beginning and don't know what to try for my migraines.  All I can do is to keep praying every day to my Heavenly Father to help me each day to ease the pain.  I keep my chin up that one day I will figure it out.

Train Ride

The kids talked Uncle Dustin into driving the train for him.  They love riding in the train!  They could stay in it all day!!  Thanks Dustin or being a good sport and driving the train.