Friday, January 2, 2015

Devin has Dengus Fever

The very next day after Devin's mission President sent us an e mail about the typhoon, we received a phone call from Devin at 5:30am.  He told us that he is really sick.  He said that he had dengue fever.  He got bit by a mosquito.  ( it is kind of like west nile virus and yellow fever)  He had high fevers, bad headaches, and ached in every joint of his body.  He said that nothing had ever hurt so bad like that before.  He had to go to the hospital everyday and have blood drawn out to check his platelet counts.  He was also staying at the mission home until he got better.  When we talked to him on Christmas eve he told us that he had to be hospitalized for a few days.  We had a family fast for him and lots of prayers.  He told us that he is feeling better now and able to get back to work.  I am so grateful that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.  I don't know what I would do without my testimony.  Thank you everyone in the family for all of your support and prayers  that you always give us.  We love you so much!!  Don't know what we would do without you!!!

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