Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas Eve Dec. 24

We had a great time Christmas eve.  The whole family was able to be together this year.  We started out bowling 2 games.  Then we went to Red Robin for lunch.  The movie we saw this year was Hero 6.  It was a cute show for the little kids I think they all liked it.  Then we met back at our house and ate finger food.  Devin skyped  us from the Philippines.  It was awesome!  It seems so unreal, that we can see him and talk to him when he is so far away.  Instead of playing bingo we played Apples to Apples.  When someone won we got a present, we could steal them twice and then the game was done.  We had so much fun.  The grandchildren opened their pajamas that we gave them.  The it was time for them to go home and get ready for Santa.

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