Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recap of our family

Here is a recap of our family:

     Dustin and Rochelle Davis.     Dustin is a plumber and welder at DC Plumbing and Mechanical.  Rochelle is working at United Way as a Resource Development Assistant.  They moved into a beautiful house this year.  Dustin is in Young Mens and Rochelle is on the RS Committee.

                    Addie  (4) Enjoys dancing as Synergy and preschool at Teacher Becky's

                    Kolten (18 Months) Loves throwing balls and eating Grandma's treats.  When Grandpa is
                                                      around no one else matters.

Brittany and Brett McMullin.     Brittany is working for Dr. Willden as a Dental Assistant.  Brett is a policeman for West Jordan.  They just had a new baby boy.  Brittany is a sunbeam teacher and Brett is a counselor in the Elders Quorum.

                    Paityn (2)  Loves preschool at Shauntae's.  She loves cats, and loves to play on 
                                      Grandma's laptop.

                     Easton (2 weeks)   Born Dec. 16,2014.  7lbs 9oz.  19 inches   Loves to be cuddled

     Shauntae and Spencer.     Shauntae is a RN at Primary Children's Hospital.  Spencer works at Comp Health.  Shauntae worked in the YW as Secretary and then 2nd counselor.  Spencer is the YM President.  They had a new baby girl this year.

                    Paisley (2)  Loves to sing.  Enjoys preschool with her mom as the teacher.  Loves to
                                       play on Grandma's laptop.  She loves to climb on the counter and get candy.

                    Kaydence (6) months  Loves to smile, is rolling over, and sitting up

     Devin.     Is serving an LDS mission in Legazipi Philippines.  He has survived 3 typhoons and Dengue fever.  He has 8 months left before he returns home.

Cal and I love being parents and grandparents to all of them.  We love spending quality time with our family, and making new memories.  We have been very blessed to have a missionary out serving.  We also love to serve others.  This is Cal's second year as Bishop.  I am the compassionate service leader.  We love to go to our cabin at Flaming Gorge.  We have been working hard on finishing rooms and bathrooms above the garage, pouring cement for the driveway, and now we are putting up a shed.  We have had a great year and we are looking forward to another great year.

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