Monday, June 29, 2015

May 10 Mothers Day

I had a wonderful Mothers Day.  Cal cancelled all of his church meetings so that he could stay home with me.  When I went to relief society Cal had set it up so that there was no lesson and all of the sisters could sit and visit.  We had a buffet of food that was prepared by Bob Price.  We had meatballs, cheeses, fruits, strawberries dipped in chocolate, little cakes, and punch it was a hit.  All of the sisters loved it.  Then all of my children and grandchildren came over for dinner.  We had ribs, twice baked potatoes, baked beans, salads, rolls, mint brownies and cookies.  They gave me some really cute candy jars that they had made full of candy.  Cal bought me some beautiful flowers for my front porch.  That evening Devin was able to skype from the Philippines.  He is doing really good.  He has lost a lot of weight.  He told us that he weighs 150 pounds now.  He looks good and he is happy.  He is working with 35 investigators right now.  The day before he just had a baptism and has another one set up for May 30.  He has been in this area for 6 months.  He will probably leave the area on next transfers.  He was amazed at how big the kids have gotten.  He has such a strong testimony and loves his mission.  It was hard for me to hold back my tears.  As a mom you have all of these emotions happening all at the same time when you talk to your missionary it is hard to explain.  Missionary moms know what I mean.  I cant say it enough how grateful that I am for my family.  I am so blessed to be a wife, mom, and grandma.  I love you all so much!!!!

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