Monday, June 29, 2015

May 21, 2015 Ringworm

I was at work sitting at my computer, when I felt like I had a bite on my chest.  It started to itch like a mosquito bite.  Over the week the itching got worse and my small red bump on my skin now has spread to a big raised circle.  I looked on the internet and my rash looked like a picture from a spider bite.  I really thought I got bit by a spider so I went to the insta care and they told me that I have ring worm.  I thought the Dr. was kidding.  I have no idea how I got ring worm.  I have to use lanolin cream for ten days to get rid of it.  It doesn't hurt, but I have never had something that itches so bad.  I cant put anything on it for the itching because that makes it worse.  I think I get all of the weird things that you can get.  Amber Pilcher told me that I look like iron man ha ha

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