Monday, June 29, 2015

May 24, 2015 Talk in church

President Maxfield gave all of the Bishops and their wife's an assignment to speak in church.  We all spoke on the same day, our topic was families.  He wanted us to use some examples about our own families to share with those in our ward.  This was the hardest talk I have ever done.  I cried every day until the day I gave my talk.  I was so worried that I would offend someone.  Every time I would write something I would throw it away thinking about someone in our ward that might be offended by it.  When I would try to write it I would get sick to my stomach and feel like I was going to throw up.  I also had bad migraines every day until it was over.  I gave my talk and people told me it was really good.  Shauntae's family, Brittany's family and Grandma and Grandpa Davis all came and supported us.  Cal gave a really good talk, but he always does.  One good thing I got a new dress for my talk.  i hope one day it will get easier for me to give talks.

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