Monday, June 29, 2015

Memorial Weekend

On Sat. Dustin and Cal had caught their limit fishing so they called us girls to go down to the lake and fish with them.  Rochelle and I got Addie and Kolten ready and met them at the dock.  While we were waiting for the fish to bite I told Addie let's sing a fish song.  That way the fish will start biting.  We sang 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive over and over and over.  I told Addie let's sing some Primary songs.  She got upset and said that the fish only like fish songs and she went off and sat in the boat for a while by herself.  She came back over to me and said, Grandma, I'm over my big attitude now can we sing some Primary songs?  I was trying so hard not to laugh and I said okay.  We sang Primary songs and the fish started biting.  She stood up on her toes and started singing louder, she was so excited!!  We had a great day fishing we all got our limits.  We figured that we caught 24 and we kept 15.  Cal and I drove home Sat night so we could give talks in church and then we drove back to the cabin Sunday morning after our talks.  We had a fun weekend.

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