Monday, June 29, 2015

May 7, 2015 My Birthday

Today is my 52nd birthday.  I always have a hard time remembering how old I am.  I tell my kids if you figure it out don't tell me ha ha.  I went to work today at the dental office.  After work Cal and I met all of the family at Red Robin for dinner.  It was so fun.  The kids surprised me with a ABC Book that they made.  I love those books because you have them forever.  They also gave me a really nice recipe book.  Now I can organize my recipes.  Cal got me a new laptop and some clothes.  He always spoils me.  My favorite thing is just spending time with my family.  I can never get enough of that.  I want to be around them all of the time.  Thank you everyone for everything you do for me and for making my birthday special.  I am so grateful that families are forever.

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